Promoting autonomy through culture
The emancipation of a people, renewing its desire for autonomy, rests on many factors of which culture occupies a preponderant place. Through its affective and expressive aspects, it is the foundation on which any identity process is based. Encouraged and transmitted, it steps out from the shadows and leads the way to a new life.
Self-identity and collective identity
People who participate in a process of cultural transmission should see themselves reflected in each stage of the process. This can be achieved by presenting objects significant to the participant, by demonstrating traditional technical knowledge or by recalling areas of the territory. It is even more poignant when activities of consultation and creation take place in an environment familiar to those bearing the heritage to be shared.
To be part of a territory and its history
A community or nation’s cultural space goes far beyond its physical environment. It includes symbolic, intangible and immaterial territories, such as traditions, values and customs, which all consist of footholds. The motivation to transmit and contemplate one’s culture, comes from each participant’s need to say “here I am” and the awareness of their rightful place among historical continuity.
Together for a collective experience
Meetings offer opportunities to reach out to others by sharing life experiences and facing various situations. It consolidates mutual trust and favours the creation of a united “we” based on a common approach. This is the challenge and goal of collaboration.
Creation to forge ties between the past, present and future
Creation allows us to draw inspiration from the past, to take root in the present and to project ourselves into the future. Reproducing the past does not suffice, surpassing it to renew the community’s cultural heritage and thus ensure an improved transmission to the younger generations is key. This temporal registry unlocks new prospects. It fosters awareness of the value of one's creation in a historical continuum and also that of one's own value as an individual in a group narrative.
Developing transmission devices
To achieve success and fulfil one’s role, cultural transmission must be seen and understood. It must take shape through various devices. Resulting from consultation and creation processes, these mechanisms of support represent various tools of mediation and communication. They ensure the vitality of a culture to which they become ambassadors.
Transmission to enhance and assert one's identity
As creation draws inspiration from inner sources, it must also be put to the test of other’s perspective. This step is vital for the creator's skill progression and the development of self-esteem. This dissemination exercise can take place on different levels: among family, the community or the whole world. It is an integral part of the cultural identification process.